Prayer Resources


Almighty and eternal God,
from the beginning of time
You wrote on our hearts
Your steadfast covenant
of relationship
of peace
a perfect love given
to Your holy people.

As Moses announced Your promise
to the Israelites,
we give You thanks
for the women and men
who proclaim publicly a life
and bind their entire being
on You to serve Your holy people.

We praise You for their prayer life
mirroring the beauty
of Your intimate love
inviting us into a deeper communion with You.

We bless You as they bring us to live simply,
in solidarity with those we meet.
They teach us care for the earth and all within it
as a majestic gift from You.

We glorify You
as they, like Jesus, lead us to mercy
that grace might flow within each moment
marking all time hallowed.

We adore You
as we are transformed
by their living presence
which stirs our soul like unrelenting wind
to become Your first disciples at Pentecost.

We ask You to receive our prayer
for these cherished
women and men of consecrated life
and bestow Your blessing upon them
that as they espouse
the breadth of Your goodness,
Your light will shine forth
over the whole land.

Diocese of Orlando
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