Blessed are the generous hearts

The seventh grade class of Sacred Heart Catholic School in New Smyrna Beach showed their gratefulness to all the members of the Knights of Columbus and the Council of Catholic Women (CCW) for helping and supporting the school during Confirmation …

The wonderful world of religious education

As Catholics, learning about God and Scripture are lifelong commitments if we want to grow in our relationship with God. For young children, ages 4 through 13, catechism is a wonderful experience -especially among children who do not attend a …

Instruments of Salvation – May 2019

For so the Lord has commanded us,
I have made you a light to the Gentiles,
that you may be an instrument of salvation
to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 13:47

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

How are …

The joy and blessings of Catholic education

Catholic Schools Week is an annual tradition that started in 1974 in order to celebrate Catholic Education. This year it was from January 27 to February 2. It is the most anticipated week in Catholic schools especially at Sacred Heart …

Bishop for a day

The entire Sacred Heart Catholic School was so surprised to see one of their own young schoolmates dressed up as Bishop John Noonan, bishop of the Diocese of Orlando, in honor of his 13th anniversary of his Episcopal Ordination …

For the love of dogs and cats

Pets are amazing and adored by all, but what about those in the shelter who don’t have owners to care for them? Zadia F. and Abbey L. from Sacred Heart Catholic School in New Smyrna Beach are taking care of …

Making Sacred Heart the superhero campus

Each year, Sacred Heart Catholic School in New Smyrna Beach selects a theme for the year. This year it is superheroes, which is appropriate, as all teachers are superheroes by the work they do and the love they show their …

Confirmation project feed and clothe the needy

On August 20, 2018, the eighth grade class at Sacred Heart Catholic School served more than 100 needy and homeless members of their community. The effort was part of the local Community Hot Meals’ feeding program at First United Methodist …

Clothing drive leads to ‘Finn’s Closet’

As August approached, excitement brewed for Finn J. as he entered eighth grade at Sacred Heart Catholic School in New Smyrna Beach. He was very excited to run his own Confirmation Service Project as he had already helped fellow students …

Believe – April 2019

Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side.
The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.
Jesus said to them