#32: God’s Law Is Freedom

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: To whom did Christ send us to bring glad tidings to the poor? Our immediate family? Our extended family? Those who are without homes? Those who are hungry? Our business associates? Our parishioners? Those …

#11: Patience is Key part 2

Straight talk about real pain. On this episode, the deacons encourage us to share our wounds and start healing!…

#30: Eucharist Body And Blood Of Christ

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
For many months, we were starving. We were in ‘lockdown’ as we compassionately cared for our sisters and brothers—to protect them from a deadly disease. It was our proclamation of life in its fullest—a …

#10: Patience is Key

The deacons unlock the door to patience! Finding inner peace can be challenging, but spiritually fruitful.…

#29: Why Are You Standing There?

Why are you standing there and looking at the sky? Jesus is not to be found looking up to there. His continued Presence lies within each one of you—through the Church. Jesus left us everything we need to bring His …

#28: Children of God

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
St. John reminds us that we are beloved. He tells us of the Father’s indelible love He offers us through His Son who came to live among us that we may be called His …