Catechesis prepares students for Sacrament of Confirmation

Twenty-four students at Sacred Heart Catholic Church are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Of those, 21  candidates are eighth-graders at Sacred Heart Catholic School.

As part of the catechesis, all involved are required to participate in gatherings that cover topics surrounding the sacrament and its meaning. The candidates, their sponsors, and parents met January 8th to explore more about the sacrament. Candidates talked about how they chose a sponsor, and what the sponsors mean to them.

One week later they met to renew the parents’ and candidates’ baptismal vows. Candidates for Confirmation received a blessing from Father Aldrin Nunes, C.Ss.R. and from their parents. The renewal of baptismal promises was nostalgic because religion teacher Mrs. Maria Bilodeau prepared PowerPoint slides of the candidates using their baby pictures. When parents saw their young children, it signaled their turn to approach the altar and recall their child’s Baptism by marking his or her child’s forehead with holy water. Parent, Mrs. Lisa L. said, “It was beautiful. It reminded me of Finn’s Baptism in a different way. I liked it.”

The confirmandi also attended a retreat on Saturday, February 1st facilitated by Dr.bMaria Georgo and Father Jim McCabe, C.Ss.R. Both facilitators focused on conversion. This was a very special gathering, instructing participants on the sacrament they are to receive and showed the confirmandi how they could best prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation is scheduled on Monday, February 24, 2020 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, to be presided by Bishop John Noonan, Bishop of the Diocese of Orlando.

Article written by Samantha J., eighth grade student, Sacred Heart Catholic School, New Smyrna Beach.