Príncipe de la paz – Diciembre 2019

Le llamaron Consejero maravilloso, Dios fuerte,
Padre para siempre, Príncipe de la paz.

Isaías 9:5

Mis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo,

La paz del Señor esté con ustedes. A menudo nos maravillamos de esta palabra, paz. Se menciona durante los …

The Lord’s Prayer – July 2019

“Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins
for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us,
and do not subject us to the final test.”

Luke 10:27

CMA students make a difference in NFP education and more

ORLANDO  |  While the world strives to go green, millions of women are still polluting their bodies with contraceptive chemicals. Catholic medical students at the University of Central Florida (UCF) hope to change that with education and awareness.

The Catholic …

Soles for Souls

The memories of a mission trip to our sister diocese in the Dominican Republic two years ago never really left young Marlie Monserez’s heart. Before the sunrise each day, Marlie and her peers from Bishop Moore Catholic high school would …

Mary: The Perfect Role Model of Discipleship

During the month of May, Catholics around the world honor our Blessed Mother through May crownings, praying the rosary, special observances and other Marian devotions. To the faithful, she is a role model of love, devotion, and faith. Through her

During the month of May, Catholics around the world honor our Blessed Mother through May crownings, praying the rosary, special observances and other Marian devotions. To the faithful, she is a role model of love, devotion, and faith. Through her

The Use of Sacramental Oils

During the celebration of the Chrism Mass, the bishop blesses the oils of the catechumens, the sick and Sacred Chrism. The three oils are then distributed to the parishes of the diocese and are used during Sacramental celebrations throughout the …

During the celebration of the Chrism Mass, the bishop blesses the oils of the catechumens, the sick and Sacred Chrism. The three oils are then distributed to the parishes of the diocese and are used during Sacramental celebrations throughout the …