#33: Finding Comfort During a Pandemic

Are you extremely fearful of having a serious medical condition? Lisa and Regina talk about hypochondria and share ideas in finding ways to handle stressors – especially during a pandemic. “Do not fear or be dismayed,” (Deuteronomy 1:22) for the …

#16: Forgiveness

On Wednesday, August 26, during his catechesis for the General Audience, Pope Francis said, “In the face of the pandemic and its social consequences, many risk losing hope. In this time of uncertainty and anguish, I invite everyone to welcome …

#15: Follow Jesus

With the pandemic still at large, I pray that you can better understand Jesus’s words from St. Matthew Chapter 16. Jesus begins to prepare his disciples for His coming death. Jesus wants them to know about what following Him involves, …

#32: Back to School Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Between physically going back to school and setting your child up for virtual school, the weight of it all can be taxing. Lisa and Regina are here to share some calming tips for parents and students alike!…

#14: House of Prayer

What is the line of divide among us? Is it wearing a mask vs. not? Is it having food vs. not? Or living in one section of a town vs. another? Is it the color of one’s skin? Is it …

#13: Compassion

Name one person whom you love. Name two people. Name five people whom you love. Think now of all the worries you have, all the confusion, all the discomfort in living in this world today. The most important part of …

#12: Carriers Of Good News

Who carries the Good News this day? The local media? Social media? National news? My sisters and brothers, the carrier of the Good News is each one of you! We cannot rely on others to tell our stories of faith. …

#11: The Bread Of Life

What is a desert experience? When I think of a desert, I think of dry land with sand all around. I think of earth scorching my bare feet. I think of a blistering sun upon my skin. I think of …

#16: Comfort the Afflicted

Kyle Osborn, Care Coordinator in the Behavioral Health Services division for Catholic Charities of Central Florida, shares the importance of comforting those who are seeking emotional assistance. She explains the value of increasing education on mental health in order to …

#4: In God’s Own Image and Likeness

“Where are our hearts at this time? What are we filling our hearts with? Are we filling our hearts with peace, hope, mercy, forgiveness? Or are we just filling it with the evil of the world?” – Bishop John Noonan…