#37: Theology of the Body with Christopher West

Christopher West, President of Theology of the Body Institute in Lima, Pennsylvania, joins Lisa on Those Catholic Shrinks Podcast this week! Christopher, Lisa, and her husband Andy compare the way modern culture views the human person with how it’s explained …

#33: Finding Comfort During a Pandemic

Are you extremely fearful of having a serious medical condition? Lisa and Regina talk about hypochondria and share ideas in finding ways to handle stressors – especially during a pandemic. “Do not fear or be dismayed,” (Deuteronomy 1:22) for the …

#32: Back to School Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Between physically going back to school and setting your child up for virtual school, the weight of it all can be taxing. Lisa and Regina are here to share some calming tips for parents and students alike!…

#31: The Beauty of Spiritual Direction

Through Ignatian Spirituality, the Shrinks dive deep into this imaginative form of prayer. Kimmy Zeiler, Program Director of San Pedro Spiritual Development Center, shares her love for spiritual direction and how this style of prayer, allows people to experience the …

#29: The Celtic Charm

“The Celtic Charm”
Do Catholics believe in luck? The Shrinks are back and sharing the history and traditions associated with St. Patrick’s Day!…