The Nativity of the Lord – December 24, 2020

The crib is the central and visible attraction for young children at Christmas. Watch the little children come to the crib to say hello and welcome the baby Jesus. It is amazing to see how excited they are at welcoming …

Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate – Oct. 3, 2020

Today, the Church of Orlando is blessed as we are about to ordain 14 of our brothers to the Permanent Diaconate. I welcome you to the beautiful Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe. I thank …

Blue Mass – Sept. 29, 2020

Every year we come together here at St. James Cathedral to honor and pray for our first responders on the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel, the patron of first responders. On the morning of this day last year, …

Ordination to the Priesthood – July 25, 2020

Each year, June 29th is a special day in Rome; the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul. On that day, the newly appointed archbishops from all over the world gather in Rome to receive their pallium from the …

National Day of Prayer and Remembrance – June 1, 2020

We have many questions to ask ourselves during these troubling and uncertain times. What is happening in our world? What is happening in our country? What is happening in our city? What is happening in our lives? What is happening …

Pentecost Sunday – May 31, 2020

These past many weeks have been like no other time in our lives, we have not been able to go to work or school, church buildings closed with no Mass celebrated publicly; no entertainment or restaurants; we were left at …

Chrism Mass Homily – April 8, 2020

As we begin this sacred Chrism Mass, I need to say, this is not the Mass I anticipated or planned on celebrating. As I look out at the empty pews of St. James Cathedral, it leaves me with an empty …

Rite of Election – March 1, 2020

Pope Francis reminds us to know our creator is to know His creation. I am always amazed when I hold a baby in my arms for Baptism  ̶  the beauty and the details of the hands, the fingers and the …

Christmas Eve Mass – December 24, 2019

The Christmas story has been told in many ways; in books, on stage, in films, on canvas and in song. The birth of one innocent child long ago has become a source of inspiration and well-being. In the scene Mary …