During the second reading for Ash Wednesday, St. Paul exhorts the Corinthians: “We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor. 5:20b). Reconciliation is a sacramental reality in Catholic Christianity and the gateway to the Lenten practices of almsgiving, prayer and fasting. Parishes throughout our diocese will celebrate Reconciliation Weekend on April 8th and 9th. Forgiveness is the sustenance of human relationships, an essential preparation for prayer and a fast from self-righteousness. This week, we feature the 2007 DVD: “The Power of Forgiveness.” From Northern Ireland to Ground Zero and the Amish countryside, this documentary explores the transformational consequences of forgiveness and its central role in various faith traditions. Beyond the historical dimension, the scientific community has devised measurements for the physical and emotional benefits of reconciliation. The producers provide reflection materials @ www.journeyfilms.com. The community of St. James Cathedral plans to show this documentary in the Social Hall on Wednesday, March 16th @ 7 pm. Filmmaker Martin Doblmeier will moderate a discussion after the screening. RSVP 407-422-2005. Use the on-line Order Form and request this DVD or search related titles with the key word: forgive @ click here or call Dan Hardester or Diane Gallagher@ 407-246-4895 (or 4897).