Youth Ministry Updates

TAC (Transforming Adolescent Catechesis) – Please pray for those participating and leading the TAC process which begins in earnest in four of our parishes, Ascension, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Resurrection – Lakeland.

NCCYM (National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry) – Videos by Bishop Noonan and by NFCYM are now available on the NCCYM Home Page.  These videos invite you and those who serve on your ministry teams to be a part of the upcoming NCCYM that will be held here in Orlando November 29 – December 1, 2012.

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TAC (Transforming Adolescent Catechesis) – Please pray for those participating and leading the TAC process which begins in earnest in four of our parishes, Ascension, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Resurrection – Lakeland.

NCCYM (National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry) – Videos by Bishop Noonan and by NFCYM are now available on the NCCYM Home Page.  These videos invite you and those who serve on your ministry teams to be a part of the upcoming NCCYM that will be held here in Orlando November 29 – December 1, 2012.   With parish budgets for staff and team formation being prepared, this is the perfect time to begin discerning your attendance and that of your ministry team.  A flyer (click here) highlighting reasons to attend, and fundraising ideas is available to assist in conversations with parish staffs, pastors and ministry teams.