“School of Humanity” is a weekly podcast for Faith Fit Radio hosted by Jason and Rachel Bulman (Church of the Resurrection). Through engaging discussion and with the help of occasional guests, the Bulmans will take you on a journey to discover truth and beauty present in the world around us and within each and every person we encounter. Starting with the core truth that we are each “Imago Dei” (Image of God), join the School and become a student searching for God who seeks us and longs for us.
#55: Redemptive Suffering
A NEW episode of School of Humanity! Suffering is never meant to be done alone…The redemptive aspect of suffering means that suffering *has to be done with others, specifically with the Lord first and foremost. If you suffer without Jesus, then suffering is irrational and despairing. Podcast episode below:
SoundCloud: https://bit.ly/2JgepFB
Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2W9ilNX
St. John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter: https://bit.ly/1TashPX#54: Natural Family Planning Part 2
Rachel and Jason share their own struggles and victories with practicing NFP within their marriage and the insight they’ve received into their spiritual lives and trust in God. (Not a child friendly episode).
#53: Natural Family Planning Part1
Highlighting the anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae (July 25), the Bulmans discuss controversial, but profound moments in Church history—including our Catholic beliefs on human sexuality and conjugal love. (Not a child friendly episode).
#52: 5 Books to Get You Through Lent
Rachel and Jason discuss 5 books that have helped them in their spiritual lives. The books are:
1. Benedictus, Ignatius Press
2. Searching for and Maintaining Peace, Fr. Jacques Philippe
3. The Discernment of Spirits, Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV
4. Mysterium Paschale, Hans Urs Von Balthasar
5. The Noonday Devil: Acedia, the Unnamed Evil of Our Times, Jean Charles-Nault#51: The Konmari Method and Your Soul Part 2
Rachel and Jason discuss the spiritual reality of a cluttered heart, acedia’s role in letting clutter build up and give practical tips on identifying clutter and getting rid of it.
#50: The Konmari Method and Your Soul Part 1
Rachel and Jason begin this two part series introducing the KonMari Method, recapping the first episode of Netflix’s, “Tidying Up” and share what decluttering and tidying up mean for the spiritual life.