Faith Fit Circle of Grace

The Diocese of Orlando implemented a child abuse awareness, prevention and safety program in all parishes as mandated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Minor-aged participants enrolled in parish-based catechesis are encouraged to participate in this programming.

Faith Fit Circle of Grace helps children and young people learn about relationships, sexuality, chastity, and abuse from a Catholic Perspective. Sessions are designed to cover these sensitive topics in an engaging, interactive manner, using language and activities that are appropriate to various age groups, from pre-school through high school.

Letter from Bishop Noonan –July 1, 2019

“The goal of the Circle of Grace program is to educate and empower young people to actively participate in a safe environment for themselves and others. I call upon each one of you to assist with this goal by teaching our young people and their parents/guardians that each one is held within a circle of grace; each one is beloved.  May our recognition of the sacredness of each other begin a path of right relationships with God…”


For Parish Coordinators ONLY

The Diocesan Intranet contains the necessary information to present the Faith Fit Circle of Grace program, including lesson plans and handouts. Upon login, proceed to the “Safe Environment” folder to access “Circle of Grace” materials for downloading.

For Parish/School Coordinators ONLY

The designated coordinator for parish or Catholic school safe environment compliance must report program results each year. More information will be provided soon.