Living Stations of the Cross: A prayerful experience

It is every eighth grader’s dream to play in the annual Sacred Heart Parish Lenten Program’s “Living Stations of the Cross.” Every year, the eighth grade class at Sacred Heart Catholic School plans, prepares, and reenacts before the parents and parishioners of Sacred Heart, a moving play on the Passion of Jesus Christ. The first presentation was open to all parishioners on Friday, April 12, 2019 and the second presentation was held the following Monday with audience from Sacred Heart Catholic School only.

The play has become a tradition for eighth-graders and every student looks forward to learning what role will be offered to them by Religion teacher, Mrs. Maria Bilodeau. Every student received a handwritten letter in a sealed envelope from Mrs.”B” announcing to the students their individual roles.  Jackson C., who played Jesus this year said, “I couldn’t sleep. I was excited to go to class and find out what role I qualified for. I was very happy when I opened my letter from Mrs. Bilodeau congratulating me for the role of Jesus in the Passion.”

It was a serious and rigorous preparation. The Class of 2019 knew and understood that they were not preparing a theater presentation, rather a prayer that will be participated in and experienced by many parishioners and families from Sacred Heart School. Everything was well interpreted by each of the members of the class . There was not a dry eye in the audience.

The Class of 2019 showed their love and adoration for Jesus by bringing to life the history of salvation through their powerful interpretation.

Written by Jack K., an eighth grade student at Sacred Heart Catholic School, New Smyrna Beach.
Photos courtesy of 8th grade students’ parents.