Engaged Couples

For Your Marriage provides guidance on dating, wedding planning tips, great conversations to have when things get serious, and more. You’ll also find real-life reflections by dating or engaged couples, advice from Pope Francis, and book recommendations for this exciting time in your life. For more information visit here.

Navigating engagement is difficult and something there isn’t much guidance on. This 10-part video series helps women find peace, joy, and gratitude during their time of engagement and covers topics that you will encounter but are rarely addressed. Get started here!
Marriage Enrichment

Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) programs have enriched and transformed the lives of married couples for generations. They offer a peer-to-peer experience, typically over a weekend, where married couples can pause and reflect privately on the meaning of their vocations and are given the tools for nurturing their love. Couples may contact Bob & Sheila Baker at 407-647-4289 to begin the application process and get further information, or you can apply online at www.wwme.org.

Los programas de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (Worldwide Marriage Encounter) han enriquecido y transformado la vida de parejas casadas por generaciones. Ofrecen una experiencia de igual a igual, generalmente durante un fin de semana, donde las parejas casadas pueden hacer una pausa y reflexionar en privado sobre el significado de sus vocaciones y aprender herramientas para nutrir su amor. Las parejas interesadas pueden contactar a Tomas & Mercedes Diaz al 407-219-1389 para obtener más información, o se pueden registrar en línea http://esp.wwme.org/.
Marriage Support

Renovación Conyugal es un programa de enriquecimiento matrimonial con orientación cristiana católica. Está creado para ayudar a las parejas a fortalecer su relación en el matrimonio y a la vez, está diseñado para ayudar a aquellas parejas con problemas, sea que exista una separación o un proceso de divorcio, sin importar su denominación religiosa o el que estén casados o no. A las parejas se les brinda herramientas que les ayuden a renovar o mejorar su relación a través del taller de Renovación. Para mayor información, o para inscribirse a un retiro de fin de semana, favor llamar al 407-690-0700.
*Las parejas que llevan casadas más de dos años por lo civil y que se están preparando para el sacramento del matrimonio, pueden asistir a este taller y cumplir con el requisito de la preparación matrimonial.

This program is for troubled marriages where separation or divorce is a possibility or has already occurred. Retrouvaille is a weekend retreat with a series of in-depth presentations given by a priest and team couples. There are follow-up sessions, which the participants are invited to attend. Couples are taught skills to help put the past behind them and begin “rediscovering” one another. For information, contact Patrick and Monica Griffin at 352-274-4614. All names and information are kept completely confidential. Visit their website at www.retrouvaille.org.
Separated and Divorced

Surviving Divorce is a nationally acclaimed 12- week program. This program accompanies people on their journey using weekly video, personal reflection, journaling and small group sharing. Session topics include shock and grief, anger and forgiveness, money issues, dealing with children and a former spouse, and annulment and remarriage. This program strives to help all find answers to questions, restore hope, and begin authentic healing. For more information, click here.
Divorce & Separated Support Groups
- Annunciation, Altamonte Springs: Carla Caguin – (407) 869-9472
- Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic: Karin Alcock – (321) 773-2783 ext. 134
- St. Margaret Mary, Winter Park: Lori Reinneck – (407) 645-0284 or lori@stmargaretmary.org
- St. Mary Magdalen, Altamonte Springs: Terry Brown – (407) 761-1506
- Our Lady of Lourdes, Daytona Beach: Darren Nash – (301) 515-1717 or nashramb7er@gmail.com
Additional Resources for Divorce & Separated
- Click the following links for more information:
www.nacsdc.org to learn more about the North American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics / Catholic Divorce Ministry. - Annulments and Procedures
Additional Resources
Between Man and Woman: Questions and Answers About Marriage and Same-Sex Unions

Whether you want to create a more intimate and godly marriage, celebrate a more faithful and fulfilling family life, or discover the path to a more grace-filled personal life, the Catholic Counselors at Pastoral Solutions Institute can help strengthen and support you on your spiritual and emotional journey! Visit their website here.
Church Teaching
“Christ the Lord raised marriage between the baptized to the dignity of a Sacrament” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1660). As a Catholic community, we celebrate the nuptial union that is intended to “perfect the couple’s love and strengthen their indissoluble unity” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1641).