Resources to promote Vocations


Religious Life for Women

 Vocations Service Unit

The Vocations Service Unit is primarily dedicated to provide vocations services and activities designed to encourage men and women to seriously consider vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

To this end, they have tirelessly worked to form parish vocation committee. They have trained them and provided materials and mentoring. Annually they sponsor a workshop for training new team members and highlighting the excellent efforts of parishes. They work in harmony with Fr. Jorge Torres, the Diocese of Orlando Vocations Director.

Prayer for Vocations

God our heavenly Father,
You are the potter and we are the clay.
Mold our young people to be Your disciples.
Give them courage to discern Your call
to Priesthood and Religious Life.
Give strength to those who serve Your Church.
May they lead Your people to holiness.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Office of Vocations Brochure

Download our brochure in English, Spanish or French