Initial screening of applications will begin immediately upon arrival. Decisions on 2025 participants will happen quarterly. Once all of our slots are filled for 2025, we will no longer accept applications. Deadline for the 2025 program is May 31, 2024. Please apply early!

Regrettably, we generally cannot re-approve Mission Co-Op participants who have visited us within the last 5 years.

    Name of Group Requesting Participation:

    Mailing Address:

    Telephone Number:

    Fax Number:

    Email Address:

    Name of Contact Person in the United States:


    Telephone Number:

    Email Address:

    Does your Bishop or Superior support your application & patricipation in Mission Co-Op? YesNo

    Are you a MCP participant in other dioceses in the U.S.? YesNo

    Have you participated in our diocese previously? YesNo

    If so, when and how often?

    Do you have a religious affiliation/personal contact in the diocese? YesNo

    Please provide the name of group, person, town/city:

    Will the person doing the appeal have personal mission experience? YesNo

    What specific countries/areas of the world does your community/entity serve?

    Will the person be able to communicate clearly and effectively in English? YesNo

    Will the person you send be bilingual (English & Spanish speaking)? YesNo

    Will the person be able to celebrate the liturgy of the Mass? YesNo

    Are you able to provide transportation for the person during the mission visit? YesNo

    Can you arrange for the person’s accommodations? YesNo

    Is the person willing to travel to any place in the diocese? YesNo

    Please provide the person’s point of origin for traveling:

    How do you plan to use the MCP appeal monies? Please be as concise, yet specific as possible.

    Other comments: (If a new applicant, please provide referrals from other dioceses visited)