Virtual School Surprises Student with Added Faith Enrichment

Starting virtual school and being at home all day has held many surprises. I have managed to keep up with my virtual lessons; I am able to spend time with my family; and it has helped me grow spiritually.

Our family is playing lots of board games, working on crafts, and projects. Normally, we are busy with lots of activities and commitments and do not get to spend whole days just enjoying our time. We have donated books, toys, and clothes to those who need them. One of our favorite new activities is to send mail to friends and family.

This time at home has allowed me to work on coding mazes, play with my siblings, and bake sweet treats. I have learned new things too! I can more efficiently use my laptop and I learned how to make waffles with a mini waffle maker. I have enjoyed so many things about being at home despite missing school, our routine, and my friends.

I am still able to be close to God, even though we are unable to go to our church or say our regular school prayers with our fellow students at school. On Palm Sunday, my dad’s side of the family read the Palm Sunday readings together. Not only did we read it together, but we talked about the Gospel and what we thought. We had family members of all ages on the call, so it was really interesting. I do not get to see these relatives that often because of how far away they live and how big our family is. I was surprised to find out my little cousin has the same school uniform as I do. It was a different type of Palm Sunday, but just as important as parading through the church.

The experience of praying with my family more often than before, and reaching out to far away relatives to discuss the Gospel readings have enriched my spiritual life, and I hope it will enrich yours too!

Written by Poppy, a seventh-grader at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School, Altamonte Springs.
April 13, 2020