LRaarons anthony

On Ash Wednesday, the Missionaries of Mercy were sent forth by Pope Francis during a celebration in St. Peter’s Basilica. 

The Missionaries are:

  • a living sign of the Father’s welcome to all those in search of his forgiveness;
  • facilitators for all, with no one excluded, of a truly human encounter, a source of liberation, rich with responsibility for overcoming obstacles and taking up the new life of Baptism again;
  • guided by the words, “For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy upon all;
  • inspiring preachers of Mercy;
  • heralds of the joy of forgiveness;
  • welcoming, loving, and compassionate Confessors, who are most especially attentive to the difficult situations of each person.

The Missionaries are serving individual Diocesan Bishops within their particular country to give missions or facilitate specific initiatives organized for the Jubilee, with a particular attention given to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Holy Father granted these Missionaries the authority to pardon even those sins reserved to the Holy See.

In the Diocese of Orlando, Fr. Anthony Aarons, TOR has been selected to serve as a Missionary of Mercy and he traveled to Rome for the Ash Wednesday Mass with Pope Francis.

Teresa Peterson, Senior Director of Communications for the Diocese of Orlando interviews Missionary of Mercy, Father Anthony Aarons, TOR, on the Year of Mercy.