Catholic Schools Week-January 2022

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching
Hebrews 13:8,9

Beloved Pastors, Administrators, Faculty, Staff, Parents, Guardians, and Students:

Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week!  We are in the midst of Ordinary Time and many of you have said that there has been nothing ‘ordinary’ about this time.  Yet, as the early followers of Jesus remind us through the letters to the Hebrews, there is nothing ‘ordinary’ about any time as we are His followers. These letters were written to hearten God’s people who may have lost our fervor and to strengthen us in our faith.  These letters point to our heavenly pilgrimage—as I have asked you many times, “Where are we going?” These letters collectively are a message of encouragement for all of us.  We are called to holy living as we are created of God for God.

If we had a report card of our holy living to present to God, how would we fair?  Your ministry of education is one of great blessing.  You are true to the teaching of Jesus and guide each other so that we might come to know, love, and serve God.  You are His presence among all the people nourished through the Eucharistic feast.  Be assured of my prayers of gratitude for each one of you as you fulfill Jesus’ ministry of life and holiness.

May we teach His love in every moment.