Diocese of Orlando Parish Remembrance Masses for Pope Benedict

This list will be updated frequently, so please return back.

  • Centro Guadalupano Mission – January 6 at 7:00 pm

The Funeral Mass was celebrated on Thursday, January 5 at 9:30 AM Rome time (2:30 AM Eastern). 

Novena for Pope Benedict

Novena in Memory of Pope Benedict XVI

Novena en Memoria del Papa Benedicto XVI

Florida Catholic News Articles – Pope Benedict XVI: 1927-2022

Pope Benedict dies at 95 – Cindy Wooden

Church leaders remember Pope Benedict with gratitude – Cindy Wooden

Former doctrinal enforcer used pontificate to crack down on sex abuse – Catholic News Service

Pope Benedict’s 2008 U.S. visit a whirlwind with timely, pointed messages – Catholic News Service

German pope made no secret of his love for cats – Catholic News Service

‘He did all things well’: Benedict’s former student reflects on his mentor – Catholic News Service

Pope Benedict saw Jews, Muslims as allies in defending belief in God – Catholic News Service

Pope Benedict forged ecumenical friendships even as dialogue slowed – Catholic News Service

Retired Pope Benedict’s funeral scheduled for Jan. 5 – Catholic News Service